Monday, March 1, 2010

Sayonara Thomas Jones

So today the NY JETS (un)officially cut ties with RB Thomas Jones after 3 seasons with Gang Green. When TJ came to the JETS I wouldn't say I jumped for joy like I did when C Mart signed here as a free agent but nonetheless I was happy with the upgrade. All and all Jones had a decent run here. He scored a mind boggling 1 TD his first year here in New York but bounced back with two very solid years in 2008 and 2009.

But we all knew that when Shonn Greene arrived the last few weeks of the year and into the playoffs and with Leon Washington returning from his broken leg, time was running out for TJ's run with the JETS.

With biceps the fucking size of watermelons and on top of that he is, as the cast of Jersey Shore would say SMUSHING Meagan Good, I'd say you'll see TJ in a new uni in the very near future.

Sorry for the short one tonight, big flag football game now...
But can't leave you without this video of TJ truck sticking the shit out of a Miami Dolphin.


  1. Very he will be a dolphin next year...

  2. Michael Junior CorleoneMarch 2, 2010 at 7:43 AM

    If you were black, you would probably look like him Paul, the only diffenece is that your biceps look like golf balls. How about if T.O goes to the Ravens? Its possible.
