Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Tiger, Tiger Wood's Ya'll

Ever since this whole hoopla started back on Thanksgiving with Tiger Wood’s the only thing I personally cared about was him getting back on the golf course. Now that day has finally come with Tiger announcing yesterday that he will make his return at the Master’s (like the whole world didn’t know he was coming back for the biggest tournament of the whole year).

First off let’s get this straight here, what Tiger Wood’s did was wrong from a moral standpoint and is something that I do not condone a husband doing to his wife but how the media persecuted him for what he had done was in my mind completely ridiculous. There have been plenty of other high profile sports figures/celebrities who have committed far worse acts then Tiger (for example Donte Stallworth killed a human being while drunk driving and served 24 days in prison and is now back and making millions playing football in less then a year).

I know Tiger is Tiger and he is bigger then the game of golf itself, which was proven when the biggest story outside of Tiger’s sexcapades was Phil Mickelson using a 1950 Ping Wedge that allowed him to put some more spin on the ball coming out of the ruff , I mean are you kidding me with that being the lead story for opening week of your season (the PGA TOUR might as well blow Tiger now too because if he wasn’t planning on coming back they might as well have cancelled the year).

What I am trying to say is that I still will root for Tiger because from a pure sports fans perspective I am all for greatness and that is what he is. I want to be able to say one day that I watched the greatest golfer of all time dominate the sport of golf like no one has ever dominated a sport before (possibly Roger Federer fits in here). If he keeps hitting shots like this one, even the most rebellious group of people will be forced to give in and watch the mere perfection he portrays out on the golf course.

All I know is for what has gone on in Tiger’s personal life and the fact that he has not played a professional round of golf in almost a year makes it even more sick that he is still the favorite to win, this is not like he is coming back to some dinky little tourney where half the field doesn’t participate, this is the biggest major in the sport. All of the big dogs who have been playing all season will be gunning for the green jacket and yet until this incident has proven to impact Tiger’s game you CANNOT doubt the fact he is still the best.

You can bet your ass that when Tiger throws on his Red Nike Shirt Sunday at the Master’s and the possibility of him winning is within reach people will turn in because that is just how we are.

1 comment:

  1. Schneider, MichaelMarch 18, 2010 at 6:42 AM

    First off, If your going to listen to a kid that has had the same haircut his whole life and doesnt know anything about hair gel...Your RETARTED. The man makes good points and bad ones, tiger is the most dominate player by a landslide at his sport, yes his sport, but you have to realize what these fans are going to be putting in his head. Between Signs, Remarks, and maybe a broad tripping him to the next hole who knows what will happen. Yes he is the favorite, but i would pick harrington or els to win over tiger. He has been off way to long for people to think he can just come back and win it. I would probably say he makes high top ten but nothing more. Even if he has been practicing for 6 hours a day since his "Time Of Fucking", its still not a competition atmosphere. Bookies are going to make a killing with everyone betting on him to win. 4-1 odds! nuts.

    P.S.- Look at tigers black pants on sunday, you might happen to see a cum stain on them from a quick bathroom break between holes.( A SHRINK IS NOT GOING TO HELP A BILLIONAIRE FROM FUCKING).

    Michael Paul Schneider
