Thursday, July 8, 2010


If you don’t know that tonight at 9:00pm is ESPN’s special one hour show entitled “The Decision” where LeBron James is going to announce what team he plans on signing with then you should probably kill yourself. I have had a pit in my stomach like someone kicked me in the nuts for the past 2 days waiting for this announcement to happen.

As a recap of my experience the last few days it has been a lot of refreshing on the internet at work waiting for a new story to come out by any media outlet, following different people on Twitter and watching Chris Broussard make up ridiculous shit like people are running to tell him the inside scoop. But what I really want to get down to today is the fact that reports are indicating that LeBron is leaning toward signing with the Miami Heat and will join D Wade and C Bosh down in South Beach. Let’s get something straight if that scenario is to play out LeBron James just guaranteed himself one thing and that is that he will never be allowed to compare himself to Jordan or Kobe ever.

Now there are a lot of great players who have stuck with their teams to win titles or try to win titles i.e. Hakeem Olajuwon, Paul Pierce, Karl Malone (gave it a run but never quite won it) but for the sake of this post let’s just stick with Kobe and Jordan. I will put my unborn children’s lives on the line that Kobe and Jordan would never even think twice about joining a team that has a player who is already the man on that team and that city and on has already won a title. If LeBron is to do the unthinkable and join this All Star squad in Miami he is doing himself an injustice. He is making it known that he himself doesn’t have what it takes to win a title and that is something that great players would never admit too. Kobe pushed out one of the best centers of all time if not one of the greatest players of all time and has continued on winning titles without Shaq. Jordan left the Bulls for one year, they didn’t do shit, he came back and won the whole thing.

So the point is that if LeBron really wants to make a mark he has two choices, stay in Cleveland or go to the Knicks. Any other choice will never allow him to fully reach the legacy that he could leave when he is long gone. But if I see him throw on a Miami Heat hat at tonight’s press conference then the NBA will be dead to me. I have decided that tonight’s decision will affect my entire life. IF LEBRON IS A MIAMI HEAT THEN I OFFICIALLY QUIT THE NBA. What type of fun would this league be? All the rings they may win together in my mind don’t really count as much as what some other superstar players have done to win a title.

So LeBron choose wisely my friend because your entire life’s work will be on the line with the choice that you make tonight.

P.S. If he throws on a Knicks hat I may piss my pants, shit my pants and cry all at the same time, no joke.

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