Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Pimpin' Ain't Easy

The story of the Miami Dolphins GM Jeff Ireland asking first round pick Dez Bryant if his mother was a prositute has got to be the most ridiculous story I have heard in a while. The low down here is that when Ireland asked Dez what his father did for a living he responsed by saying "my father is a pimp", following that response Ireland then asked what his mother did for a living and Dez responded by saying "she works for my father".

Now I am know Ms. Cloe but I am pretty sure if I was sitting in that room I could have read Jeff Ireland's mind and could have said before he did the exact same question that came out of his mouth and that was "So is your mother a prostitute?". Now when I first heard this story I didn't know the facts and since Ireland works for the Dolphins which is a team that I hate with a passion I was hoping the prick would get fired because who asks a 20 year old kid that type of question. But then the TRUTH came out and I don't blame the guy for asking him that. I mean what idiot (besides Jerry Jones) is gonna fork over $15 mil to a kid whose father is a pimp and mother is a prostitute. Picture it now Dez's Mom and Dad rolling up to LandShark Stadium in a Pink Stretch El Camino, gold plated walking canes and full out Miami Dolphin feathered hats and real Dolphin skin shoes. Seriously, how did these two reproduce an athletic specimen who has all the talent to be a legit top receiver in the NFL. Anywho, Ireland called Bryant anyway even though he didn't have to after the real conversation came out and apologized. Then today Bryant's mom comes out and is demanding a personal apology. A woman whose husband is a pimp, served 18 months in prison for dealing crack and put on 10 years probation for possession and manufacturing of a controlled substance, exactly the type of person Jeff Ireland shouldn't be asking questions about right?

Point is that these unproven players get so much money these days and questions like this need to be asked. You may think that it is unnecessary to ask a kid these type of questions but we are all too familiar with players who have troubled pasts getting ahold of some serious money and spiraling out of control. But I do think that Dez Bryant is going to be a beast and was glad to see the Dolphins didn't grab him because him and Marshall together would have actually caused the All- World defensive backfield of the NY JETS a little run for their money.

P.S.-Keep your eye on the Cavs/Celts series because if the Cavs go down this early Lebron is peacing the fuck out and heading to NY.

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