Friday, May 7, 2010


Lawrence Taylor is a complete idiot, whether or not the allegations are true it's still a fucked up situation that he was involved with and he had no business putting him self in that situation. But now that I am headed off to law school I am going to save my opinion on this whole scenario until he is proven innocent or guilty. But I will leave you with one of the best quotes of all time when a few years back LT was arrested for cocaine possession and he famously said to reporters while being taken away in handcuffs that he was "set up like a motherfucker"...priceless.

Anyway today's topic is Vince Carter. Vinsanity had a hell of a night last night dropping 24 on the Hawks en route to leading the Magic to a 2-0 series lead. So it had me thinking about the good old days of Vince Carter, the Toronto Raptor days not New Jersey Nets days (anything with Jersey will ruin you, as it did for Carter's career while he was there). But going back to the Toronto days there was not a player in the league for a good 5-6 year period that was as exciting as Carter.

This guy was an absolute scoring machine and I still til this day have never seen an NBA player in the history of the league be able to dunk a ball like this guy did (yes not even LeBron). Carter quietly has been one of the best players over the course of the last 10 years. He has not been mentioned in the same breath as guys like Garnett, Duncan or Kidd who have had first ballot hall of fame careers but he has been a borderline hall of fame player and may eventually squeeze his way in.

But the whole point of writing this blog about VC has nothing to do with the great player that he is but all about the second greatest slam dunk contest of all time (behind Jordan and Wilkens battling it out). It was back in 2000 and VC put on a show for the ages. Carter reinvented the windmill and pulled off the sickest under the leg dunk in the history of dunks. After watching that I made my Dad go out a week later and buy me a plaque of VC mid air during that dunk and to this day it hangs on my wall. VC deserves a little props for what he has done over the course of his NBA career and that is what I do here, give notice to players who deserve respect. Now below is the clip of the 2000 dunk contest and I seriously doubt anyone who reads this could pull these dunks off on a kiddie hoop.

Also don't forget about this dunk when Carter posterized a 7 footer in the Olympics when he hurdled this doofy basterd...shits hilarious when he screams after throwing it down..

Until next time...

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