Friday, May 21, 2010

"All Aboard"

What a beautiful day in New York today. The sun is shining, birds are chirping and I am preparing for my three day weekend since I will not be coming into work Monday because I make the rules and said I am going to give myself two 3 day weekends in a row with Memorial Day coming up next week. But guess what people the Subway Series starts tonight and on Sunday night at around 11:oopm I am highly confident the METS will officially be 9 games out of first place and heading into their series with Philly with the plug for life support barely sticking in the outlet.

The point is after watching last nights game (even though they won) this METS team is prime to get the shit kicked out of them by the Bronx Bombers. I can picture it right now as the players start arriving in the clubhouse. Jeter is telling Mo how he knew David Wright was never gonna be able to sniff what he is to NY, AROD is trying to talk to Cano who is ignoring the shit out of him and is talking with Tex about how they are probably gonna light Takahashi up for 10 runs tonight and are really hoping the METS trot Oli out from the pen to really nail the coffin in his embarassment of a career.

To quote Craig Carton "lock it uppppp"...the METS are going to get swept this weekend and I am not saying this because I am the most bitter METS fan walking this side of the Mississippi but because with the Yankees going into this little slide of theirs I don't see it possible that they continue this coming off two whoopins from Tampa. My reasoning for this outlash is because the METS could not be any more opposite than the Yanks. Last night John Maine throws 5 freakin pitches and is topping 80 mph on the gun and Manuel has to go out and pull him. Hey Johnny boy when your throwing high school fastballs during warmups don't you think some red flags should be raised and maybe speak up about it or do you want your team to get swept by the Nationals heading into back to back series with two of the best teams in the league.

Looking at tonights game you can bet your ass Yankee fans this is Vazquez's breaking out party. Picture a line of 7 strong with 5 hits, 1 run and 7 k's while us Mets fans will watch Texiera go deep twice and still try and justify that Daniel Murphy was a better option to go with at the time Tex was a free agent.

Tomorrow night Pelf takes the hill against Phil Hughes. I actually am looking forward to that game and not because Pelfrey is actually sort of blossoming but because Phil Hughes is my favorite pitcher in all of baseball. This kid flat out deals...mid 90's fast ball and a hook that might be the best in the game.

Then we will head into the big boys matchup Sunday night on ESPN. Where we will undoubtedly here Jon Miller say "Carlos Beltran" with his perfect hispanice accent at least a dozen times and watch CC and Johan wow us. I think they will actually both pitch really good and might be the only game the METS may squak out if the METS can score possibly more then 2 runs for "The Johan" but I am not gonna hold my breath on that.
So enjoy the beautful weekend and hopefully after the Yanks run a train on my METS we no longer will have to see this guys face come Monday morning.

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