Friday, April 23, 2010

What A Clown

Before I get into today's topic of choice I would first like to let it be known that I have never in my life seen a league that has such a hard on for a player more than the NFL does for Tim Tebow. I mean jesus, show a little fuckin respect for Sam Bradford and the other guys picked in the top five. No joke, when Tebow was picked they spent more time talking to him then they did for the first top ten players selected combined (and I am 100% positive about that statement but since I have the draft on TIVO I am going to do a little due diligence and get the exact amount of time). No detailed comments on the draft except I think both teams had solid picks and that this video of Jason Paul Pierre is unfreakinreal, find me a guy who is 6'6" 260lbs. who can do backflips like this...

Now into the actual story of the day and that is that Alex Rodriguez is the biggest deush in the history of Major League Basball. I honestly can't even imagine what Derek Jeter thinks playing next to this tool bag everyday, no wonder why Jeter put a stop to their sleepovers back in the day. For all who didn't see the story last night A-Rod walked across the mound which ticked off the A's pitcher Dallas Braden. After the game Braden was quoted as saying "if he does it again, there will be some reprocussions" while A-Rod said "I was a little surprised. I've never quite heard that, especially from a guy that has a handful of wins in his career."

For starters I am not gonna sit here just because I don't like A-Rod and not defend him a little, I mean the guy is going down as one of the best statistical players of all time and a guy like Dallas Braden whose career record is 17-21 should shut his mouth and thank god that he still even has a job in the league, start telling guys like A-Rod to get off your mound when you win your first Cy Young, until then zip the lip.

Now, is A-Rod serious..why is he such a dickbag. Everyone knows he did that unpurpose. It is one of those unwritten rules and it is part of the etiquette of baseball that unless you are a pitcher you don't cross over the mound, it's like how you aren't suppose to step on the chalk in the baselines. JUST DON'T DO IT!! But no, what does this dick have to do, walk across the mound and then waive his limp wrists around like he didn't know what he just did. Just like when he screamed "I got it" to the Blue Jays thirdbaseman causing him to backaway and miss the ball and when he bitch slapped Bronson Arroyo's glove in the 2004 ALCS, A-Rod just loves to pull this stupid shit.

That is why no matter how many homers he hits or how many MVP's he wins he will never get the respect a guy like Jeter or Mariano or Piazza get in New York and that is because real fans don't respect that. Hey at least when he finally retires and fades into oblivion like Bonds he will have made plenty of money to get more pictures like this painted of himself to hang around his house...

1 comment:

  1. I guess this what mets fans have to do all day...complain about great yankee's a little sad
