Monday, April 19, 2010

Risk vs. Reward

So this Thursday night the NFL for the first time ever will have a specific day for the first round of the NFL Draft. I can't think of one reason why they didn't make this move about a decade ago but it is what it is. So now moving on to the real reason I write this piece of sports perfection, and this is my expert advice for NFL teams to see before making their ever so crucial(or not so crucial) first round pick.

I was having this conversation the other day with a friend and it got me thinking of the history of the draft and why teams are so gun ho about holding onto their first round pick no matter what proven NFL caliber player is being offered. For instance let's just say the San Diego Chargers were to offer Philip Rivers for the Rams #1 overall pick. I can almost guarantee that the Rams would say no because history shows us that trading your top pick is one of the most unthinkable things a GM can do, it is quite possibly committing GM suicide. But what I do not fucking understand is why these teams so highly covet players who have never shown they can do one measley thing in an NFL game. Yea Sam Bradford had a pretty impressive college career and is only 22 years old compared to Rivers who is 28 but I am willing to take my chances on a QB who is a proven player in this league vs. a kid who has never taken one snap.

If we take a stroll down memory lane at the past number 1 picks of teams you will see what I am talking about. A few notable players selected within the first five picks of the draft were Alex Smith (49ers),Jamarcus Russell (Raiders),Chris Long (Rams), Charles Rogers (Lions),Courtney Brown(Bengals),Tim Couch (Browns), Akili Smith(Bengals) and the most infamous pick of all time Ryan Leaf(Chargers) which whom it took them 7 years until they finally got back to the playoffs. And what do these teams have in common, they are some of the worse teams in the league for the last decade. Had they shopped that top pick around a little I bet you some of them could have changed their fortunes for the better.

The point here is that I still have not grasped this concept of that the first round pick cannot be traded unless it is for another first round pick. Like give me a break. If I was the Rams I would personally be shopping the shit out of this pick Thursday. The fact is that if Bradford doesn't pan out to be the savior of this team then they are looking at another decade of being a bottom dweller in this league.

But then on the other hand we have seen Peyton Manning, Eli Manning, Michael Vick (pre dog fighting), Mario Williams, Larry Fitzgerald all change everything about their franchises after they arrived, so the questions really is do GM's no for sure when a player will be a someone who will succeed or do they just not want to take the criticism for trading away the "what could have been player".

Well the Rams are on the clock and let's see if they are gonna roll the dice on Bradford. We all remember Philly fans doing this to Donovan on draft day but looked like that didn't turn out to bad for them.

My take is that if you are not a 100% lock to be a franchise player then as a GM you have to be looking to get your team the best players you possibly can and if that means trading the Holy #1 Overall pick then that is what you do. So let's hope for Rams fans sake that they are looking to get out of where they are and fast because my gut is telling me Sam Bradford isn't someone you want to be laying it all on the line for.

1 comment:

  1. probably agree the most with this blog then any other one that you have written in the past, point made, i agree 100%.
