Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The NFL has entered the Twilight Zone

What on earth is going on in the fuckin NFL these days? I mean seriously every time I click refresh it's some other deuschbag doing something or saying something. I mean enough is enough with this shit, I know that we all salavate over the NFL and they can do no wrong because either way we are gonna plant our fat asses in front of a TV every Sunday for 10 hours while we pray to God our fantasy team has a big week but after all the shit that has gone on Maddog was 100% right when he went off on Roger Goodell during the whole Pacman Jones controversy (must watch video, best monologue in Sports Radio History) .

Today we have arguably one of the biggest names in the sport Ben Roethlisberger get suspended 6 games for thinking that just because he is an NFL quarterback he can pretty much handpick any chick he wants at a bar, newsflash Ben only guys that look like Tom Brady can do that, so shave off the beard, lose about 30 lbs. and actually perform in a Super Bowl and then and only then will chicks that look like Giselle and Bridget Moynahan want to birth your children. But on a side note if the rumors of the Steelers willing to shop Big Ben for a top 10 pick I would be all over that shit if I was the Raiders, it is almost a 100% chance they wind up drafting another stiff so why not make a deal for a QB who, if he listens to me will regain his status among the athlete and actually make the Raider's relevant.

Further news in the NFL is that I have officially lost a little respect for the NY JETS today. I was purely against bringing in Jason Taylor for the mere fact that he absolutely hates NY and is purely doing it so he can get the 1.5 sacks he needs which will officially put him in the top 10 all time in sacks. He was quoted as saying "They (the JETS) were the only team that offered and I don't want to be playing golf on the Nationwide Tour with Jerry Rice". Are you shitting think I am gonna cheer this complete assbag just because he is on my team, well yea I will because I am a suffering NY fan but c'mon JT show a little respect, the JETS just handed you a ticket for a chance to win a Super Bowl, so zip the lip.

And now the mother of all NFL stories, McNabb lobbying for the Skins to bring in TO. I mean wouldn't that be a site. Granted I think TO would be a good move for the Skins to but tell me Donovan throwing a sideline pass to TO who "accidentally" should slams Andy Reid wouldn't be priceless. I mean the only time Donovan got over the hump and into the Super Bowl was with TO so maybe it's time for Donovan to repay the favor and revive TO's career (guy came back from a broken leg in like 4 weeks) to play in that game).

Either way it isn't gonna stop me from staring at the clock all day at work tomorrow pleading for it to be over so I can throw on my Revis jersey and head out to watch the greatest draft in all of sports. And if this week keeps going about the way it is, maybe Joe Namath will reappear for a little drunken stint with Suzy Kolber..that would really sell some moer PSL's or maybe O.J. will give announce the first pick of the draft via satellite from his jail cell...that's the beauty of the NFL they know they have us all by the balls and can do whatever they please.

1 comment:

  1. First blog I completely agree with. Paul you are slowly becoming a man!
