Monday, April 12, 2010


The NY JETS have pulled off the biggest heist the NFL has seen since the Patriots landed Randy Moss from the Raiders way back when. A 5th round pick!! I mean are the Steelers smoking the same shit that Holmes was? All I can say is that I will gladly take Santonio and his 4 game suspension for a 5th round pick.

The JETS are on fire this offseason. Say what you want about Tomlinson but don't tell me TJ was such a big step above LT because that isn't true and they also didn't have to shell out any big money to land him. Pretty much guaranteed themselves the best cornerback tandem in the league for the foreseeable future when they landed Antonio Cromartie to team up with Revis and now Mr. T pulls off the trifecto with this deal. Does anyone doubt Rex Ryan just popped his stapled stomach after hearing about this deal because we all know he hit the buffet pretty hard celebrating this one.

Now I know what the anti- JET fans are gonna say that getting all of these guys that are so called "troublemakers" are gonna bring this team down but I 100% disagree with that. For the mere fact that the players like Holmes and Cromartie might get in some trouble off the field but they handle there shit on the field. These guys aren't Pacman Jones or Tank Johnson, these are both players who are superstar caliber players. Both are bonafide pro bowlers who have played in Super Bowls and Championship games and that is what the JETS are all about now, playing to WIN Super Bowls not just settle for a wild card birth.

So READ IT AND WEEP BITCHES, especially you fuckin deush Patriot and Dolphin fans because the NEW NY JETS are taking over this league and you can't do shit about it.Gonna love hearing this blasting over the new stadium loud speakers when Santonio starts dragging those toes for a TD..

ATTENTION: All Jets FLIGHT CREW cheerleaders please beware this year Cromartie and Holmes are going to be strolling around the facility so be prepared...

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