Friday, April 30, 2010

Friday Wrap Up (4.30.10)

Occasionally on a Friday now if I don't want to speak about a certain topic I am going to do a brief write up about a few different stories in the world of sports. So here is the first edition of the Friday Wrap Up...

So I get a text from one of my roommates the other night telling me that I have to watch ESPN’s new documentary on Ricky Williams entitled “Run Ricky Run”. Well last night I finally got to watch it and let me tell you something it was absolutely hilarious. Seriously I have a new found admiration for Ricky, I have never seen someone really not give a shit about ANYTHING in my whole life like this. Definitely a must watch and will leave you loving what Ricky is all about.Moving onto Robinson Cano. This guy is flat out dominating the game of baseball right now. Forget the other guys on the Yankees he is their BEST player right now. Hit two more homers last night and now has 8 on the year and is batting .407 on top of the fact that he is turning into a Gold Glove second baseman. Ask me if I could take any Yankee and put him on the Mets right now it would definitely be Cano. The thought of him, Reyes, Wright and Ike in that infield for the next 10 years makes me feel like I felt when I use to hear the ice cream man coming from down the block.

Is the entire Philadelphia Eagles staff on drugs? First they dump Westbrook then trade their franchise QB in McNabb (who by the way will be a Pro Bowler this year) and now give Kevin Kolb, their new QB who has played only 12 NFL games in 3 years a guaranteed $12.6 mill. I seriously hope they don’t sniff the playoffs over the next 5 years until McNabb is out of the league.

I know I made an oath not to watch the Mets this year but guess what I am. I am like a crack feign when it comes to them, I can’t live without them. First place after a miserable start and now we get to take on the Phillies. What better way to let them know how much they overpaid for Ryan Howard (contract extension of 5 years $125 mill) when he strikes out 10 times over the next 3 games. Watch out for tomorrow afternoon’s game, Pelfrey vs. Hallady. Pelfrey has been pitching his ass off (4-0 ERA under .60) and this is his time to show that he is a legit number two man behind Santana if he can go toe to toe with Doc Halladay. We shall see my friends but I might be breaking out the broom if we take it home tonight.

Last but not least, Mayweather vs. Mosley tomorrow night. Such bullshit that it isn’t Mayweather vs. Pacquio but hopefully after Money Mayweather shows Mosley that he doesn’t even belong in the ring with him we will get some post fight guarantee that he wants a piece of Manny. Until that fight happens I refuse to watch a boxing match.
Until next week....

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

(Almost) Wasted Opportunity

I wanted to write a blog about this story when I first heard about it on Monday but have not had a chance to do so and that is the story pertaining to Scott Sicko who is (was) a Tight End for the University of New Hampshire.

To sum up the story briefly Scott was an All-American tight end at the University of New Hampshire (didn’t know they even had a football team) but was considered as a potential draft pick. Well draft weekend came and went and Scott was never drafted. Following that he had told his agency to their surprise that he was not willing to play in the NFL if he wasn’t drafted and would go attend graduate school. Now when certain people (non athletes or people who live in a whole) heard this story they were probably like good for him, he knows that an NFL career might not work out and he is looking out for his future. Well if you talk to anyone who says that then you have a legal right to slap them across the face. You would seriously have to be out of your mind to pass up an opportunity such as playing in the NFL. I would literally shave 10 years off my life if you said to me you could sign with an NFL team and have that chance, I am not even joking. So what if he wasn’t drafted that doesn’t mean shit in the NFL, look at some of the players who were never drafted Kurt Warner, Antonio Pierce, Ryan Grant, Bart Scott, Jake Delhomme, Jeff Saturday, Willie Parker, James Harrison, Tony Romo and Antonio Gates.

Now I actually am not one who believes that the college you go to necessarily decides the outcome of your career because there are lots of other factors that matter much more but the University of New Hampshire is no Harvard Law School here. So this kid was flat out saying that making a guaranteed $325,000 which is the league minimum for a player on the 60 man roster was not worth his time. Find me a career where the minimum amount of money you can make your first year is $325k, yea that’s right you can’t.

Now the best part of this ridiculous decision was the fact that when the media found out about this kid every sports writer/blogger went absolutely off on this decision and that is because it was a terrible one. Well guess what goody too shoes Scotty Boy did last night, he signed with the Dallas Cowboys. Allelujah someone slapped a little sense him.

So let’s see in the next five years if I was right in thinking he was a complete moron for passing this decision up.

Friday, April 23, 2010

What A Clown

Before I get into today's topic of choice I would first like to let it be known that I have never in my life seen a league that has such a hard on for a player more than the NFL does for Tim Tebow. I mean jesus, show a little fuckin respect for Sam Bradford and the other guys picked in the top five. No joke, when Tebow was picked they spent more time talking to him then they did for the first top ten players selected combined (and I am 100% positive about that statement but since I have the draft on TIVO I am going to do a little due diligence and get the exact amount of time). No detailed comments on the draft except I think both teams had solid picks and that this video of Jason Paul Pierre is unfreakinreal, find me a guy who is 6'6" 260lbs. who can do backflips like this...

Now into the actual story of the day and that is that Alex Rodriguez is the biggest deush in the history of Major League Basball. I honestly can't even imagine what Derek Jeter thinks playing next to this tool bag everyday, no wonder why Jeter put a stop to their sleepovers back in the day. For all who didn't see the story last night A-Rod walked across the mound which ticked off the A's pitcher Dallas Braden. After the game Braden was quoted as saying "if he does it again, there will be some reprocussions" while A-Rod said "I was a little surprised. I've never quite heard that, especially from a guy that has a handful of wins in his career."

For starters I am not gonna sit here just because I don't like A-Rod and not defend him a little, I mean the guy is going down as one of the best statistical players of all time and a guy like Dallas Braden whose career record is 17-21 should shut his mouth and thank god that he still even has a job in the league, start telling guys like A-Rod to get off your mound when you win your first Cy Young, until then zip the lip.

Now, is A-Rod serious..why is he such a dickbag. Everyone knows he did that unpurpose. It is one of those unwritten rules and it is part of the etiquette of baseball that unless you are a pitcher you don't cross over the mound, it's like how you aren't suppose to step on the chalk in the baselines. JUST DON'T DO IT!! But no, what does this dick have to do, walk across the mound and then waive his limp wrists around like he didn't know what he just did. Just like when he screamed "I got it" to the Blue Jays thirdbaseman causing him to backaway and miss the ball and when he bitch slapped Bronson Arroyo's glove in the 2004 ALCS, A-Rod just loves to pull this stupid shit.

That is why no matter how many homers he hits or how many MVP's he wins he will never get the respect a guy like Jeter or Mariano or Piazza get in New York and that is because real fans don't respect that. Hey at least when he finally retires and fades into oblivion like Bonds he will have made plenty of money to get more pictures like this painted of himself to hang around his house...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The NFL has entered the Twilight Zone

What on earth is going on in the fuckin NFL these days? I mean seriously every time I click refresh it's some other deuschbag doing something or saying something. I mean enough is enough with this shit, I know that we all salavate over the NFL and they can do no wrong because either way we are gonna plant our fat asses in front of a TV every Sunday for 10 hours while we pray to God our fantasy team has a big week but after all the shit that has gone on Maddog was 100% right when he went off on Roger Goodell during the whole Pacman Jones controversy (must watch video, best monologue in Sports Radio History) .

Today we have arguably one of the biggest names in the sport Ben Roethlisberger get suspended 6 games for thinking that just because he is an NFL quarterback he can pretty much handpick any chick he wants at a bar, newsflash Ben only guys that look like Tom Brady can do that, so shave off the beard, lose about 30 lbs. and actually perform in a Super Bowl and then and only then will chicks that look like Giselle and Bridget Moynahan want to birth your children. But on a side note if the rumors of the Steelers willing to shop Big Ben for a top 10 pick I would be all over that shit if I was the Raiders, it is almost a 100% chance they wind up drafting another stiff so why not make a deal for a QB who, if he listens to me will regain his status among the athlete and actually make the Raider's relevant.

Further news in the NFL is that I have officially lost a little respect for the NY JETS today. I was purely against bringing in Jason Taylor for the mere fact that he absolutely hates NY and is purely doing it so he can get the 1.5 sacks he needs which will officially put him in the top 10 all time in sacks. He was quoted as saying "They (the JETS) were the only team that offered and I don't want to be playing golf on the Nationwide Tour with Jerry Rice". Are you shitting think I am gonna cheer this complete assbag just because he is on my team, well yea I will because I am a suffering NY fan but c'mon JT show a little respect, the JETS just handed you a ticket for a chance to win a Super Bowl, so zip the lip.

And now the mother of all NFL stories, McNabb lobbying for the Skins to bring in TO. I mean wouldn't that be a site. Granted I think TO would be a good move for the Skins to but tell me Donovan throwing a sideline pass to TO who "accidentally" should slams Andy Reid wouldn't be priceless. I mean the only time Donovan got over the hump and into the Super Bowl was with TO so maybe it's time for Donovan to repay the favor and revive TO's career (guy came back from a broken leg in like 4 weeks) to play in that game).

Either way it isn't gonna stop me from staring at the clock all day at work tomorrow pleading for it to be over so I can throw on my Revis jersey and head out to watch the greatest draft in all of sports. And if this week keeps going about the way it is, maybe Joe Namath will reappear for a little drunken stint with Suzy Kolber..that would really sell some moer PSL's or maybe O.J. will give announce the first pick of the draft via satellite from his jail cell...that's the beauty of the NFL they know they have us all by the balls and can do whatever they please.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Risk vs. Reward

So this Thursday night the NFL for the first time ever will have a specific day for the first round of the NFL Draft. I can't think of one reason why they didn't make this move about a decade ago but it is what it is. So now moving on to the real reason I write this piece of sports perfection, and this is my expert advice for NFL teams to see before making their ever so crucial(or not so crucial) first round pick.

I was having this conversation the other day with a friend and it got me thinking of the history of the draft and why teams are so gun ho about holding onto their first round pick no matter what proven NFL caliber player is being offered. For instance let's just say the San Diego Chargers were to offer Philip Rivers for the Rams #1 overall pick. I can almost guarantee that the Rams would say no because history shows us that trading your top pick is one of the most unthinkable things a GM can do, it is quite possibly committing GM suicide. But what I do not fucking understand is why these teams so highly covet players who have never shown they can do one measley thing in an NFL game. Yea Sam Bradford had a pretty impressive college career and is only 22 years old compared to Rivers who is 28 but I am willing to take my chances on a QB who is a proven player in this league vs. a kid who has never taken one snap.

If we take a stroll down memory lane at the past number 1 picks of teams you will see what I am talking about. A few notable players selected within the first five picks of the draft were Alex Smith (49ers),Jamarcus Russell (Raiders),Chris Long (Rams), Charles Rogers (Lions),Courtney Brown(Bengals),Tim Couch (Browns), Akili Smith(Bengals) and the most infamous pick of all time Ryan Leaf(Chargers) which whom it took them 7 years until they finally got back to the playoffs. And what do these teams have in common, they are some of the worse teams in the league for the last decade. Had they shopped that top pick around a little I bet you some of them could have changed their fortunes for the better.

The point here is that I still have not grasped this concept of that the first round pick cannot be traded unless it is for another first round pick. Like give me a break. If I was the Rams I would personally be shopping the shit out of this pick Thursday. The fact is that if Bradford doesn't pan out to be the savior of this team then they are looking at another decade of being a bottom dweller in this league.

But then on the other hand we have seen Peyton Manning, Eli Manning, Michael Vick (pre dog fighting), Mario Williams, Larry Fitzgerald all change everything about their franchises after they arrived, so the questions really is do GM's no for sure when a player will be a someone who will succeed or do they just not want to take the criticism for trading away the "what could have been player".

Well the Rams are on the clock and let's see if they are gonna roll the dice on Bradford. We all remember Philly fans doing this to Donovan on draft day but looked like that didn't turn out to bad for them.

My take is that if you are not a 100% lock to be a franchise player then as a GM you have to be looking to get your team the best players you possibly can and if that means trading the Holy #1 Overall pick then that is what you do. So let's hope for Rams fans sake that they are looking to get out of where they are and fast because my gut is telling me Sam Bradford isn't someone you want to be laying it all on the line for.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

We Are All Witnesses

Now that the ridiculously long NBA Regular Season officially ended last night we can get into the real NBA season and that is when the playoffs start. This is now the 10th consecutive year that the Knicks have not been in the playoffs BUT that will 100% change next year with or without Lebron, so playoff basketball will finally be back and we can see if Mike Dantoni has the balls to back his players up like Jeff Van Gundy did.... Anyway, the NBA in my opinion is the best it has been since MJ left the league. There is plenty of superstar power in these playoffs. In the East you have Lebron looking for title number one, KG/Allen/Pierce going for it again, D Wade looking to bring back some of the magic that seems to have left him and Dwight Howard and the Magic are poised to make another run to the Finals. While out West is hands down the better basketball with the Lakers, Mavs and Suns leading the way, Duncan's possible last shot at a title and the biggest fuckin gangsta in the league right now Kevin Durant leading the Thunder to there first ever playoff birth.

What is great about the NBA playoffs is that unlike any other sport you really see the height of how good some of these guys really are. You will see them all bring their games to a different level then they do in the regular season (actually play some fuckin defense). All I know is that I am intrigued more so this year for the mere fact that there is a handful of teams that could actually win a title this year and I wouldn't be surprised to see a surprising upset in the first round.

So with the Mets off to a fuckin disastrous start the NBA playoffs couldn't come at a better time. Should be an interesting playoffs and will without a doubt be one of the better ones in a while.

P.S. Can't not let you in on who I am predicting taking it all home this year....I think that this picture pretty much sums it all up because Lebron is at a different level then anyone in the league right now and be prepared for him to take hold of this league from this year forward...

Monday, April 12, 2010


The NY JETS have pulled off the biggest heist the NFL has seen since the Patriots landed Randy Moss from the Raiders way back when. A 5th round pick!! I mean are the Steelers smoking the same shit that Holmes was? All I can say is that I will gladly take Santonio and his 4 game suspension for a 5th round pick.

The JETS are on fire this offseason. Say what you want about Tomlinson but don't tell me TJ was such a big step above LT because that isn't true and they also didn't have to shell out any big money to land him. Pretty much guaranteed themselves the best cornerback tandem in the league for the foreseeable future when they landed Antonio Cromartie to team up with Revis and now Mr. T pulls off the trifecto with this deal. Does anyone doubt Rex Ryan just popped his stapled stomach after hearing about this deal because we all know he hit the buffet pretty hard celebrating this one.

Now I know what the anti- JET fans are gonna say that getting all of these guys that are so called "troublemakers" are gonna bring this team down but I 100% disagree with that. For the mere fact that the players like Holmes and Cromartie might get in some trouble off the field but they handle there shit on the field. These guys aren't Pacman Jones or Tank Johnson, these are both players who are superstar caliber players. Both are bonafide pro bowlers who have played in Super Bowls and Championship games and that is what the JETS are all about now, playing to WIN Super Bowls not just settle for a wild card birth.

So READ IT AND WEEP BITCHES, especially you fuckin deush Patriot and Dolphin fans because the NEW NY JETS are taking over this league and you can't do shit about it.Gonna love hearing this blasting over the new stadium loud speakers when Santonio starts dragging those toes for a TD..

ATTENTION: All Jets FLIGHT CREW cheerleaders please beware this year Cromartie and Holmes are going to be strolling around the facility so be prepared...

Friday, April 9, 2010

Chaaa Chingggg!!

Each and every year you see it, some team makes a big time run in the NCAA tournament and the only person who cashes in off of it, is the coach. We saw it with Jim Larranaga at George Mason back in 2006 and now this year with Brad Stevens, the Butler Bulldogs Coach who was just given a 12 year contract extension thru the 2021-2022 season.

Now I am actually a big Brad Stevens fan after watching what he has done this year. He without a doubt had the toughest road to get to where they got, having had to face Syracuse, K State and Michigan State and then on to face the Dukies in the title game. But what I don't get is why such a long contract with double the salary (rumored almost $1.5 mill per year). I know he is a hot commodity and some big time college basketball school such as Boston College might have swooped in and stole him away but give me a fuckin break a 12 year extension for a program that most likely won't sniff the Final Four again by the 2022 season seems a bit extreme for me.

I think that Butler had a nice run and Gordon Haywood is definitely an NBA calliber player but don't even dare try and tell me that Brad Stevens is the young new guy who is going to build a powerhouse at Butler because that ain't gonna happen. First off he can't compete with the big boys such as Kentucky, Kansas, Duke, Carolina, Cuse, etc. to land the big time HS recruits on top of the fact that there are coaches who are around his age who will supply a much better national program such as Billy Donovan at Florida, Jay Wright at Nova and Tom Crean at Indiana whom he will be competing with for in state players (and I think Indiana has a little more history than Butler).

I am just not in favor of rewarding a coach who has had one good season the keys to my entire basketball program for the next 14 seasons. You think Gordon Gekko was proud of Bud Fox for hitting it big off one fuckin deal HELL NO, did Gordon Bombay settle for beating just the Hawks HELL NO, he had to come back and take it to Iceland before getting respect, I personally think he should have had to prove more than one magical year to deserve the type of contract he got. But then again he out coached possibly the greatest coach of all time in Coach K during the national championship game and was an in and out buzzer beater away from winning the whole thing, so maybe locking up Brad Stevens was a genius move. Only time will tell.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The City of Brotherly Love?

No wonder why Will Smith got the fuck out of West Philadelphia and on to Bel Air because he knew that the city of Philadelphia flat out sucks. As everyone is well aware the Eagles traded their star QB Donovan McNabb to the Washington Redskins for a 2nd round pick and either a 3rd or a 4th round pick next year. Let's first start with "Why did the Eagles want McNabb out so bad?". Listen, I am all for change when it is the right time but Donovan is still a top QB in the league. He threw for over 3,500 yards, 22 TD's and only 10 picks last year and led his team to another division title. On top of the fact that he has taken this franchise to 5 NFC Title games and a Super Bowl (I know he never won it all but give the guy a break here, always had shitty receivers except TO for a year and a half and a running back who spent more time on a gurney then in the backfield). On top of the fact that you just placed your entire franchise in the hands of a below average college QB out of Houston who hasn't played more than a handful of a games in the NFL, brilliant fuckin choice.

Second issue with this trade is, was the NFL on crack for allowing this trade to even go down. A franchise QB who has done nothing but win his whole career sent to a division rival for a 2nd round pick. I mean c'mon Philly show a little respect for the guy. Not only do you dump him for a bag of deflated footballs but you just made a division rival a million times better than you. This is without a doubt the lock of the century that the Redskins will be better then the Eagles next season (I am willing to put my beautiful set of hair on the line and shave it all off if someone out there is willing to put something on the line).

Last point I want to make about this monstrosity is the fact that the Philadelphia Eagles show absolutely no respect and appreciation for any of the players that have made this franchise what it is (was) . They let Brian Dawkins go to Denver without even considering matching an offer, cut Brian Westbrook like he was some beat up bum and now trade the franchise too a division rival, all while that fat bearded shithead Andy Reid continues to keep his job.

But since day one when Eagles fans booed him on draft day McNabb had no chance of grasping a hold of Eagles fans hearts but they will soon regret that when he marches into Philly and brings a Redskins team that in my opinion has got to be considered a playoff contender.

Friday, April 2, 2010


The Mets will not make the playoffs.

Figured that it was fitting to just get my 2010 baseball preview edition off to the right start and let all my loyal viewers know that I am not even going to try and be optimistic, the METS will suck. All you need to see is this stat line of the Mets starters ERA's from spring training and you will know why this year is over before it started (Sanata:6.75, Pelfrey:7.97, Maine:7.88, Perez:8.66, Niese:5.65). I am fuckin embarrassed it makes me sick. Moving On.

Since I have no allegiance to a team this year I figured I can use my superior talent in the field of sports to predict what I think will happen this year.

AL East: Yankees (fuck me) AL Central: White Sox AL West: Angels Wild Card: Red Sox

NL East: Phillies (fuck me again) NL Central: Cardinals NL West: Giants Wild Card:Braves (might as well kick me in the nuts)

ALCS: Red Sox over Yankees (going to a game 7 and I'll take Beckett in the playoffs over anyone in the league for one game)

NLCS: Cardinals over Phillies (Cardinals just have the right mix all around)

World Series: Cardinals over Red Sox

So there you have it, worship what I say because these are not opinions they are facts. Now I leave you with a little Clubber Lang singing "Take Me Out to the Ballgame"


BREAKING NEWS-- After having gone through the last two years watching ESPN launch shitty sites like ESPN Dallas, Los Angeles, Boston and Chicago they finally sacked up and officially launched ESPN NEW YORK this morning (

You would think these pricks would have decided to begin their little experiment with the greatest sports city in the entire world but when you allow Jim Rome to have his own show on your network then I guess we will never understand certain things.

Also the fact we have this tool bag playing in our city brings down our credibility.