Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Now when the NY Jets signed on to be the team that is featured this year on HBO'S Hardknocks I was pretty pumped. Purely for the fact that for my entire life the Jets logo never appeared on ESPN and now all of a sudden after last seasons run and a few additions they have become the talk of the league.

But I have to say that things are getting a little ridiculous in Jersey these days. First off Rex Ryan has now signed a book deal that will be a memoir of his life up to this point. Now I love Rex more than you can imagine, guy is the pure definition of what a head football coach should be but he is joking me right. He is about to jinx this whole operation they got going on and you want to know how, because only coaches who win SUPER BOWLS write fuckin books Rex (i.e. Sean Payton, Tony Dungy, John Gruden). So leave your David Patterson skills for after you win it and then it'll actaully be worth reading.

Next is LT showing his mug on ESPN with Sal Palantonio today talking about how he now has a JETS logo tattoo on his calf with 2010- underneath it, just like his CHARGERS logo he has that reads 2001-2010. He then goes into how this is a Super Bowl caliber team which it is but then the big grin on his face lights up when he is asked if he is gonna win out the starting job and that is where I say slow your role Ladanian. You are here for two reasons only to get your ass in the end zone or catch balls out of the back field and thats it. This is Shonn Greene's team now. He trucked us through the playoffs and is primed to have a phenomenal sophomore season. So sit back with your visor on, look all gangsta but do not think that your gonna start causing a rift because your a future hall of famer. Be happy the JETS allowed you on this all-star team and a shot at capping your career off with a ring.

And last but not least is the report that the JETS are looking into bringing in Jamarcus Russell as a possible back up QB candidate. I have no words for this because it has to be a joke. I would rather get Quincy Carter out of retirement before I would ever think to bring Jamarcus Russell on this team. But I see what they are trying to do though make Vernon Gholsten not feel so bad about himself by bringing in an even worse draft bust.

Anyway this is how I get when my team is suppose to be good. NY METS 2007 I talked more shit that year about them then any other year combined and what happens they blow an 8 1/2 game lead with 10 games to play and miss the playoffs followed by the same disaster the following year. So I refuse to let this happen to me with the JETS, I am going to be the most negative fan all the way to the end and then I will never ever shut the fuck up about how this team might be the greatest assembled team in the last 20 years.

So now let's pray to God Rex keeps designing defensive schemes to shut down a rejuvenated Tom Brady, Tomlinson learns his role and Jamarcus Russell gets my all you can eat buffet card that I sent over to his house and he keeps his weight above the 300lbs. mark so there is no shot of him signing with the JETS.

P.S. But if none of that happens you can bet your ass HARDKNOCKS will win the emmy for best reality TV show.

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