Friday, June 18, 2010

World Cup Rant

Now I know nothing nor care to know anything about soccer. The only reason I am even paying any remote attention to the World Cup is because I literally bleed Red, White and Blue. First we tie England which was considered a victory for the U.S. which in my opinion is a bunch of shit. Do you think we would have settled for a tie in the Revolutionary War, hell no. I can't bare to even compare England to America. England sucks, it is pretty much like Seattle but people there have different accents and their food sucks. So by no means do I considere that a victory whatsoever, I would have rather lost expecially since the only f'n goal we scored was because their numbnuts goalie who has one job to do couldn't hold on to a ground ball kicked directly at him.

Anyway moving on to this mornings game. Now us sports analysts (which I like to call my self among other titles) could have pinpointed this game against Slovenia as a downright sleeper game for the U.S. We come off a nice little moral victory by not losing to England and we think we are a mortal lock to advance to the next round. Well guess what happend Slovenia came out and pretty much ran shit on us for the first half. 2-0 in a soccer game is like a 35-0 lead in the NFL comebacks never happen. Well guess what sine the U.S. dominates the shit out of everything and Slovenia might as well not even exist they allowed us to get back in this game and tie it up at the 82 minute mark (by the way pisses me off to watch a clock count upwards when watching a game, drives me insane).
Then Koman Coulibaly comes along and totally tries to single handedly take down America by calling...I have no f'n clue what he called and neither did all these soccer analysts,by taking away a free kick goal that was scored by the U.S. in the 86th minute. I'll tell you what and since I don't plegarize shit on Black Cawfee I saw this line on another blog and it said and I quote "If this wasn’t the USA this Koman dude would be dead already" and ain't that the truth. If he would have done that to the Spaniards or the Germans this guy would be face down in a ditch somewhere but since we think that ties in the World Cup are something to be proud of because we suck and shouldn't have a shot is why we are ok with another tie.
Shit pisses me off..all I know is that if the U.S. doesn't go out and mash Algeria I am flying to South Africa and am taking over the reigns of U.S. Men's Soccer because it's about time that America dominates the shit out of the #1 so called sport in the world (please if Europe had anything that sniffed the NFL soccer wouldn't even be played anymore).

So look for me on TV next week when the U.S. plays again because I will be all up in Altidore's grill if he doesn't start stepping his shit up.

P.S. On to a real sport, Mets are gonna steam roll through the Bronx this weekend.

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