Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Welcome to Black Cawfee

So most of you are probably wondering what the fuck is Black Cawfee and why am I even doing this and to tell you the truth I don't really know. All I know is that each and everyday something new comes out in the world of sports and I ALWAYS have some sort of opinion on it, so I thought why not start talking about it. Even if the only thing that I get out of doing this is being able to bash everything that fat Yankee loving basterd Mike Francesa says will be worth it to me.

Anyway, Black Cawfee to me is what "Da Bing" was to the Sopranos Crew, it is going to be a place where I come and talk about whatever the fuck I want in the world (of sports). This is flat out my sports talk sanctuary.

But this is not Jim Rome is Burning (which I still cannot believe is still being aired on television, I mean I can give a fuck what Jim Rome is Burning On, the only thing he has ever given us is this all time classic video)

The point is this is not a one man show and I want people to comment on the posts that I put up each day. I am sure based off comments alone I can get this thing to be one of the best sports blogs that any of us read.

This might not be the greatest introduction but to quote Allen Iverson, "We're sitting here, and I'm supposed to be the franchise player (blogger), and we're talking about practice" and to that I say, no I did not practice before I sent this out.

So I hope you guys will follow what I put up and think that this is something that can turn out to be pretty cool.

Until Next Time.

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