Thursday, February 25, 2010


There have been two times in my life that I have ever rooted for the New York Yankees. The first being the 2001 World Series following the September 11th attacks and second being this past year’s World Series against the Phillies. Being a die hard NY Mets fan, I could not stomach the thought of Jimmy Rollins and Chase "I try way to hard to look like Gordon Gekko" Utley winning another World Series Title. But other then these two moments my hatred runs deeper for the Yankees then what I look like in my high school yearbook picture.

But I have good reason for bringing up my hatred for the Yankees and that is my love for Derek Jeter. Other then Mickey Mantle, whom I have obviously never seen play other than in the movie "61" where I watched him get laid, get hammered and hit homers with one hand, Jeter is the only Yankee I truly like and respect (Honorable Mentions: DiMaggio if Marilyn Monroe did'nt go off and bang JFK when they were together and Mariano if he did'nt blow Game 7 in the 2001 World Series).

Jeter has been nothing but the epitome of what you would want out of your Captain. He plays hard everyday, never sticks his foot in his mouth and has pretty much handpicked the hottest chicks walking around New York City for the past 14 years. Let's be real here, show me a player who does this during a meaningless regular season game.

Now for the last couple of days people have actually called WFAN worried Jeter might not be coming back to the Yankees next year since they have not given him a contract extension yet. To this I say that there is a better chance I am Derek Jeter then him not playing for the Yanks for the remainder of his career. First off, and I hate to say this Jeter is the second best Shortstop in the game behind Hanley Ramirez and has not shown any sign of slowing down. On top of that this guy is gonna be throwing out every first pitch Opening Day for the next 30 years and will go down as one of the top 5 greatest players in Yankee history.

The point here is, that even though my hatred for the Yankees is at an all time high Jeter is still the man and any true baseball fan, hell any true sports fan respects what Jeter is all about. Hey, I wish the Mets had a Jeter maybe I wouldn't have to write a blog about a player who plays for the team I can't stand.

1 comment:

  1. Where is this HS pic you speak of? I'd like to see it...
