Friday, August 20, 2010

Fantasy Football Friday: Tight Ends/Kickers


Fantasy Football is right around the corner. Drafts are starting in two weeks and I haven't been so pumped for a season like I am for this one. Might have something to do with the how the METS are a train wreck and the KNICKS failed in getting King Deush to come to NYC so I rest my entire sports lively hood on the JETS and Fantasy.

Today we are going to look at both Tight Ends and let's get down to the nitty gritty.

Tight Ends:

1.) Dallas Clark: The man has become Peyton's number one target surpassing Reggie Wayne and I expect Dallas to continue to play the TE position like he is a number one receiver. Going with 1,100 yards and 13 TD's. Yep I said 13.
2.) Antonio Gates: Fresh off a new contract, Big Daddy Gates is primed. They have a rookie running back and Vincent Jackson is still holding out. With a pure passing team Gates is going to have a MONSTER season.
3.) Jason Witten: The Cowboys have major weapons on offense and something tells me the Boys' are going to have a really good season with a weaker overall NFC East. The Romo-Witten connection will be riding high.
4.) Vernon Davis: Was going to put him higher on the list considering he had an absolutely beast of a year last season but am not sold on any of the 49er QB's so am wary to think he is going to repeat last season. But I could be way off.
5.) Jermichael Finley: Aaron Rodgers is a premiere passer in this league and is in love with Finley. With Driver getting older and Jennings dealing with the #1 corners that leaves Rodgers searching for a big offensive weapon and this is going to be a breakout season for Finley.

Honorable Mention: Tony Gonzalez, Brent Celek, Owen Daniels


1.) Stephen Gostkowski 2.) Nate Kaeding 3.) David Akers 4.) Mason Crosby 5.) Ryan Longwell

Honorable Mention: Garrett Hartley, Rob Bironas

There you have it. Soak it up because next week we look at Defense and then you are on your own. Adios bitches.

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