Monday, August 16, 2010

Drinkin' that Tebow Juice

To me Tim Tebow was just your typical stud college QB like many others that we have seen come through the college game over the years such as Cade McKnown, Tim Couch, Troy Smith, Brady Quinn, Ken Dorsey, Rex Grossman, etc. but who you knew were never going to cut it at the next level.

Well after seeing Tebow let the team shave his head to portray his new nickname of the "Mile High Messiah" and have a pretty decent debut during his first preseason game where his arm looked quite strong along with doing what he did best in college and that was use his legs and strength to muscle his way in for a TD. The decision to take him may turn out to be the best move of this past years draft that Josh McDaniels and Bronco ownership might have ever made.
Tebow is an icon already and that is only by way of his college career. I was walking through the Orlando airport last week and Tebow Bronco jerseys and shirts were everywhere. The Broncos are reshaping their image one step at a time. They dealt star studded but problematic wide-out Brandon Marshall to the Miami Dolphins this offseason and are beginning to head in a new direction with their prized first piece Tim Tebow. Tebow has this aura about him that is pure and natural. You don't see that too much these days, an athlete who actually talks the talk and walks the walk. Derek Jeter is the only athlete in my mind who really has taken that purity and leadership role and captivated a whole nation to believe that this is who he is, not like what many pro athletes are these days.

The point is that with all these athletes thinking they can get away with doing whatever they want whenever they want it is somewhat of a breath of fresh air to see a kid who was one of the best college players to ever play the game at that level be so humble and continue to work at his game and respect the game like he is still in high school, just playing for the love of it. We can look back over the past few years at the enormous list of NFL players who have been in trouble with the law or who have done some sort of idiotic thing and that gives the rest of the league a bad rap.

So I am rooting for Tebow to prove all the critics wrong that say he can't make it in the NFL as a Quarterback and take off and run with that fact that he is one of the good guys who truly practices what he preaches. I am sick and tired of hearing about these star athletes each and every week being arrested for a variety of reasons and then us fans forgiving so quickly for performing on the field. I am going to start to really root for guys who act and play the game like Tim Tebow does whether he succeeds or doesn't, but my money is on that he does.

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