So when you think of some of the most ridiculous things that athletes do with their money or have had done for them over the year's things such as Mike Tyson spending $300k a year to feed his pigeons comes into mind along with Phil Mickelson having his gambling debts paid off by Callaway to switch to their clubs. Well this one might top the cake.

Today Head and Shoulders the shampoo brand who sponsors Steelers Safety Troy Polamalu isnured his three feet of hair with Lloyd's of London for $1 million dollars. The report did not state what must be done to Polamalu's hair in order to collect on the policy.
Now most of you might think this is the stupidest fucking thing you have ever heard but to me it is absolutely fuckin genius. Why you ask? Because who the fuck uses Head and Shoulders these days other then grown ass men who have hair down to their assholes and have god knows that growing inside that shit. Polamalu is the perfect (and only) athlete that would even need to use Head and Shoulder's who they can't afford to lose out on the only athlete in the world that they could possibly even try to have an endorsement deal with.
I mean I wish Larry Johnson would have ripped that rat tail off his head a few years ago when he tackled him from behind by his hair but that didn't happen. I would love to see the bets going on in NFL locker rooms tonight talking about who will be the first to rip a huge chunk out his hair this year and cause Head and Shoulders to go belly up when they have no one in the world to use their product.