Monday, August 30, 2010

Locks of Love

So when you think of some of the most ridiculous things that athletes do with their money or have had done for them over the year's things such as Mike Tyson spending $300k a year to feed his pigeons comes into mind along with Phil Mickelson having his gambling debts paid off by Callaway to switch to their clubs. Well this one might top the cake.
Today Head and Shoulders the shampoo brand who sponsors Steelers Safety Troy Polamalu isnured his three feet of hair with Lloyd's of London for $1 million dollars. The report did not state what must be done to Polamalu's hair in order to collect on the policy.

Now most of you might think this is the stupidest fucking thing you have ever heard but to me it is absolutely fuckin genius. Why you ask? Because who the fuck uses Head and Shoulders these days other then grown ass men who have hair down to their assholes and have god knows that growing inside that shit. Polamalu is the perfect (and only) athlete that would even need to use Head and Shoulder's who they can't afford to lose out on the only athlete in the world that they could possibly even try to have an endorsement deal with.

I mean I wish Larry Johnson would have ripped that rat tail off his head a few years ago when he tackled him from behind by his hair but that didn't happen. I would love to see the bets going on in NFL locker rooms tonight talking about who will be the first to rip a huge chunk out his hair this year and cause Head and Shoulders to go belly up when they have no one in the world to use their product.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Breaking News: Strasburg to have Tommy John Surgery

The Washington Nationals reported that rookie phenom Stephen Starsburg will most likely undergo Tommy John surgery after he gets a second opinion to confirm the dreaded news. He will miss all of next season and hope to return by 2012.

Now even though Strasburg was about to start dominating the shit out of the METS for the next five years before he signs with the YANKEES as a free agent I was absolutely fucking pumped to see this guy get out there and pump a 101 mph fastball and drop a 90 mph curveball. I mean this kid lit the league up in his first 3 months as a big leaguer and still will have that shot. But this is a crushing blow to a franchise who for a really long time were irrelevant but were on the rise with the two biggest selections in recent years in Strasburg and this year's number one pick Bryce Harper.

I thought shit this bad only happens to METS fans like myself, I guess when you are formerly the Montreal Expos the curse of you being a shitty franchise will follow you no matter where you move.

Fantasy Football Friday: Defensive Teams

As I sit here watching highlights from some of last night's preseason games it makes me 100 million times more eager to watch real NFL games because preseason games are fucking miserable. I mean there is absolutely nothing fun about these games. Even when the first teams are in the game they suck. Let's hope that yesterday when the owner's met they highly considered bumping two preseason games and adding them to the regular season schedule. Just imagine the Super Bowl being played the Sunday before President's Day knowing you wouldn't have to wake up hungover as shit and go to work or school. I may even start a Facebook group to petition the Super Bowl to become a national holiday.

Having said that we move on to the final edition of Fantasy Football Friday. We are putting the defense under the microscope.
1.) NY JETS: Yea they are numero uno and how can you not say they aren't. They were the number one defense in the league last year and have brought in Antonio Cromartie, Brodney Pool, Jason Taylor, drafted Kyle Wilson and get Kris Jenkins back after being out all of last season. Obviously the whole Revis contract situation is still hanging over their heads but with two weeks still left before Opening Night they will find a way to lock him up. Either way the defense is going to be scary or ridiculously scary.
2.) BALTIMORE RAVENS: Ray Lewis, Ed Reed, Terrell Suggs, I think enough was said right there. This team year in and year out is one of the best in the league. They have added some good depth and rookie LB Sergio Kindle will be learning from one of the best LB's ever to walk planet earth. And with a more potent offense the pressure won't be as high like in year's past.
3.) GREEN BAY PACKERS: Defensive Player of the Year Charles Woodson leads this star studded up and coming group. of A.J. Hawk, Clay Matthews, Al Harris and Nick Barnett. With one of the NFL's prolific offenses this defense will hold its own and may even be a team that could make a Super Bowl run this year.
4.) PHILADELPHIA EAGLES: No really stud names on this defense outside of Asante Samuels, who is overrated anyway. But consistent play and a team that puts a lot of pressure on the QB will mean a lot of sacks and turnovers.
5.) DALLAS COWBOYS: They have one of the best defensive players on their team in DeMarcus Ware and NT Jay Ratliff just eating up QB's. Wary of the DB's but with two dominate players on the front line and a solid core of linebackers this Cowboy D will put pressure on any team which makes up for the shaky backfield.

Honorable Mentions: San Francisco 49ers, Minnesota Vikings, Pittsburg Steelers

So there you go, my choice for the top 5 fantasy defenses for this upcoming season. So with drafts starting this week be sure to take my advice into consideration if you play on winning any of the money that is up for grabs in your respective leagues.

Enjoy the weekend and start getting ready as we get days away from the most anticipated NFL season that I can ever remember.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Fantasy Football Friday: Tight Ends/Kickers


Fantasy Football is right around the corner. Drafts are starting in two weeks and I haven't been so pumped for a season like I am for this one. Might have something to do with the how the METS are a train wreck and the KNICKS failed in getting King Deush to come to NYC so I rest my entire sports lively hood on the JETS and Fantasy.

Today we are going to look at both Tight Ends and let's get down to the nitty gritty.

Tight Ends:

1.) Dallas Clark: The man has become Peyton's number one target surpassing Reggie Wayne and I expect Dallas to continue to play the TE position like he is a number one receiver. Going with 1,100 yards and 13 TD's. Yep I said 13.
2.) Antonio Gates: Fresh off a new contract, Big Daddy Gates is primed. They have a rookie running back and Vincent Jackson is still holding out. With a pure passing team Gates is going to have a MONSTER season.
3.) Jason Witten: The Cowboys have major weapons on offense and something tells me the Boys' are going to have a really good season with a weaker overall NFC East. The Romo-Witten connection will be riding high.
4.) Vernon Davis: Was going to put him higher on the list considering he had an absolutely beast of a year last season but am not sold on any of the 49er QB's so am wary to think he is going to repeat last season. But I could be way off.
5.) Jermichael Finley: Aaron Rodgers is a premiere passer in this league and is in love with Finley. With Driver getting older and Jennings dealing with the #1 corners that leaves Rodgers searching for a big offensive weapon and this is going to be a breakout season for Finley.

Honorable Mention: Tony Gonzalez, Brent Celek, Owen Daniels


1.) Stephen Gostkowski 2.) Nate Kaeding 3.) David Akers 4.) Mason Crosby 5.) Ryan Longwell

Honorable Mention: Garrett Hartley, Rob Bironas

There you have it. Soak it up because next week we look at Defense and then you are on your own. Adios bitches.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Drinkin' that Tebow Juice

To me Tim Tebow was just your typical stud college QB like many others that we have seen come through the college game over the years such as Cade McKnown, Tim Couch, Troy Smith, Brady Quinn, Ken Dorsey, Rex Grossman, etc. but who you knew were never going to cut it at the next level.

Well after seeing Tebow let the team shave his head to portray his new nickname of the "Mile High Messiah" and have a pretty decent debut during his first preseason game where his arm looked quite strong along with doing what he did best in college and that was use his legs and strength to muscle his way in for a TD. The decision to take him may turn out to be the best move of this past years draft that Josh McDaniels and Bronco ownership might have ever made.
Tebow is an icon already and that is only by way of his college career. I was walking through the Orlando airport last week and Tebow Bronco jerseys and shirts were everywhere. The Broncos are reshaping their image one step at a time. They dealt star studded but problematic wide-out Brandon Marshall to the Miami Dolphins this offseason and are beginning to head in a new direction with their prized first piece Tim Tebow. Tebow has this aura about him that is pure and natural. You don't see that too much these days, an athlete who actually talks the talk and walks the walk. Derek Jeter is the only athlete in my mind who really has taken that purity and leadership role and captivated a whole nation to believe that this is who he is, not like what many pro athletes are these days.

The point is that with all these athletes thinking they can get away with doing whatever they want whenever they want it is somewhat of a breath of fresh air to see a kid who was one of the best college players to ever play the game at that level be so humble and continue to work at his game and respect the game like he is still in high school, just playing for the love of it. We can look back over the past few years at the enormous list of NFL players who have been in trouble with the law or who have done some sort of idiotic thing and that gives the rest of the league a bad rap.

So I am rooting for Tebow to prove all the critics wrong that say he can't make it in the NFL as a Quarterback and take off and run with that fact that he is one of the good guys who truly practices what he preaches. I am sick and tired of hearing about these star athletes each and every week being arrested for a variety of reasons and then us fans forgiving so quickly for performing on the field. I am going to start to really root for guys who act and play the game like Tim Tebow does whether he succeeds or doesn't, but my money is on that he does.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Fantasy Football Friday: Wide Receivers

Football is back babyyyy!!! First week of preseason games, Hardknocks premiere and Fantasy Football drafts are about to begin over the next two weeks.

So let's dive right into this week's topic; the top fantasy wideouts heading into the 2010 NFL season:

1.) Andre Johnson: lit up the league last year and will continue to do so. Johnson and QB Matt Schaub are in sync and continue to get better. I think Johnson will lead the league in both receiving yards and TD's.

2.) Larry Fitzgerald: everyone knows that Fitz is a beast out on the gridiron but there is one major change that may play a detrimental role in his numbers this season; no Kurt Warner. With college stud Matt Leinart taking over the throne at QB it will almost be near impossible for Fitz to be expected to do what he did with Warner but without Anquan Boldin on the other side that just means more opportunities to make up for the loss of Warner.

3.) Randy Moss: Moss is obviously getting older and may not be the player he was a few years back but he still is the best receiver since Jerry Rice retired from the league and is in the last year of his contract. With Brady fully back from knee surgery that effected him somewhat last year and Wes Welker out with his own knee injury we may just see glimpses of the record setting year Brady and Moss had together back in 2007.

4.) Calvin Johnson: I know he plays on one of the NFL's worst teams but CJ has continued to get better each year. Sophomore QB Matthew Stafford is a gunslinger with a big arm and Calvin is his main target. They added a few offensive weapons this offseason through free agency and the draft which will take some pressure off of Johnson and allow him to produce at an even higher level.

5.) Reggie Wayne: Veteran All-Pro playing alongside a very young receiving core on top of having the games best QB throwing him the ball makes Reggie Wayne a no brainer. I expect him to bounce back from an underachieving season last year for him and make a big splash. This also coincides with me thinking that Peyton may break the record for most passing yards in a season this year.

Honorable Mentions: Brandon Marshall, Miles Austin, Vincent Jackson

Next week tune in for a double dose of Tight Ends/Kickers because those are the two most valuable spots to add talent when trying to give your team a real edge over the rest of the field.

So enjoy one of the final few weekends of summer and make sure to start looking for your big time sleepers as preseason games continue on.

P.S. On a side note the JETS are going to make a statement on Monday night against the G-Men cementing there place in the New Meadowlands, Rex Ryan statue is already in the works to be put outside.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Life as a Shitty New York Fan

Back from vacation which was great and am trying to enjoy the next three weeks before law school starts but for some reason the teams that I love and waste so much time and money on love to fuck with me and treat me like I am some piece of shit..yea that sums up exactly how the KNICKS, METS and JETS treat me like I am literally a piece of shit (Rangers are out of this post, to early for me to even care about hockey).

The Knicks actually create a little buzz this summer and then go and re-hire the Satan of basketball Isaiah Thomas and just set themselves back another decade. I mean some kid who is in middle school right now probably possesses the sperm that will hopefully bring this team back to the glory days of the 90's because there is no doubt in my mind no one on planet earth right now will be able to do so.

Then the Mets who don't deserve more then this and that is until the Wilpon's sell this team they will never ever be the type of team who wants to win like some other team in New York is willing to do.

And now onto the JETS and this little statement that Rex Ryan spits out today about Revis..."we are preparing as if he will not be with us this season". Hold your fuckin horses Rex. You say he is the best defensive player in the league, the best corner you may have ever seen and you, Mr. T and Woody tell him you are gonna "pay the man" and then you say this crock of shit. This is Day 9 of the holdout and with Hardknocks starting tomorrow that means by episode 3 Revis and his whole f'n island better be locked up for the next 8 years.

Anyway it's good to be back and even better that the NFL season is just about a month away.

(no picture today because for some reason I can't upload it)